Supporting Communication Challenges in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Supporting Communication Challenges in Autism Spectrum DisorderPresented by: Neil Walker (Autism Consultant) This seminar will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the expressive & receptive communication challenges faced by children & youth across the Autism Spectrum. Effective communication systems for nonverbal children and techniques for enhancing communication skills for verbal individuals will be provided.

Teen Triple P Seminar #1 – Raising Responsible Teenagers

Teen Triple P Seminar #1 - Raising Responsible TeenagersPresented by: Uma Bhatt (Community Outreach Worker) The Triple P Teen Seminar series targets everyday concerns, such as how to encourage responsible and independent behaviour, improve family relationships, and manage concerns at school and/or with friends. Your youth is almost an adult, or at least that’s how […]

Our Family Our Rules

Triple P Tip Sheet DiscussionPresented by: Uma Bhatt (Community Outreach Worker) and Breanne O'Gallagher(Child and Family Therapist) Come and learn why parenting teenagers can be challenging as well as rewarding, why balancing responsibility and freedom for teenagers can be a ‘tricky’ business! As teenagers grow, thrill seeking behaviours may be considered typical, however, it is […]

Teen Triple P Seminar #2 – Raising Competent Teenagers

Teen Triple P Seminar #2 - Raising Competent TeenagersPresented by: Uma Bhatts (Community Outreach Worker)The Triple P Teen Seminar series targets everyday concerns, such as how to encourage responsible and independent behaviour, improve family relationships, and manage concerns at school and/or with friends. Your youth is almost an adult, or at least that’s how they […]

Genuine Connection – The Teen Edition

Genuine Connection - The Teen EditionPresented by: Terri Keay (Clinical Navigator) and Danielle Warren (Clinical Navigator)This webinar focuses on what caregivers bring to the parent and teen relationship. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on mindfulness practice; ways of noticing and observing how your parenting style has formed, and how this influences your parent […]

Understanding and Supporting Behaviour Challenges for Children with ASD

Understanding and Supporting Behaviour Challenges for Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum DisorderPresented by: Neil Walker (Autism Consultant) Understanding the many possible underlying causes or functions of problematic behaviour is a critical step in helping children & youth with ASD change maladaptive behaviour. Effective behaviour analysis, which includes a review of communication, sensory, anxiety and […]

Teen Triple P Seminar #3 – Getting Teenagers Connected

Teen Triple P Seminar #3 - Getting Teenagers ConnectedPresented by: Uma Bhatt (Community Outreach Worker)The Triple P Teen Seminar series targets everyday concerns, such as how to encourage responsible and independent behaviour, improve family relationships, and manage concerns at school and/or with friends. Your youth is almost an adult, or at least that’s how they […]

Myths and Realities of Learning to Pay Attention

Unwrapping the Gifts of a Distracted Mind - Part 1 Myths and Realities of Learning to Pay AttentionPresented by: Laurie Blow (PATH Worker)and Erika Silveria (PATH Worker)Three-part series on ADHD “Unwrapping the gifts of a distracted mind” a series of webinars to help you better understand the person you love. The more you know, the […]

Understanding and Managing Challenging Behaviours

Understanding and Managing Challenging BehavioursPresented by: Angie Chan and Carmen Chau (Child and Family Therapists) Understanding challenging behaviours and where they stem from is the first step to being able to better manage them. This workshop is for parents/caregivers of youth 12 years and older, and will focus on how behaviours function in a teen’s […]

Raising a Child with ASD

A wholistic framework for family lifePresented by: Neil Walker (Compass Manager)This workshop will provide parents and other caregivers and the professionals who support them with a framework for helping children with ASD achieve their potential. Based on the F words of Child Development, created by CANCHILD Research Centre at McMaster University, the 6 F words: […]

Triple P Seminar #1 – The Power of Positive Parenting

The Power of Positive ParentingPresented by: Uma Bhatt (Community Outreach Worker) Power of Positive Parenting seminars are a series of three workshops for parents of children birth to 12 years of age. Kids don’t come with an instruction manual! Many familiar parenting problems have very simple solutions that can be applied with some effort and […]

Triple P Seminar #2 – Raising Confident Competent Children

Triple P Seminar #2 - Raising Confident Competent ChildrenPresented by: Uma Bhatt (Community Outreach Worker)Power of Positive Parenting seminars are a series of three workshops for parents of children birth to 12 years of age. Kids don’t come with an instruction manual! Many familiar parenting problems have very simple solutions that can be applied with […]

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